Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful effects is crucial for maintaining its health and preventing damage. Sunscreen is our go-to defense, but understanding how it works and choosing the right one for your skin type is key to effective protection.

Priya Bhandari, Head of Training Skeyndor revealed that for oily or combination skin, it’s vital to select a sunscreen that matches your needs. “Look for one that’s lightweight, non-greasy, and won’t clog pores (non-comedogenic). Ensure it offers broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays to prevent sunburn and premature aging. A lightweight sunscreen absorbs quickly and leaves a dry finish, perfect if you prefer a non-greasy feel,” Bhandari told Financial

Sunscreen for oily skin

Opt for products with long-lasting and water-resistant properties for outdoor activities, she said.

According to Bhandari, ingredients like Ronacare AP and sea kale extract are beneficial for oily skin, keeping it protected without adding greasiness.

Sunscreen for dry skin

If you have dry skin, choose a moisturizing sunscreen enriched with hydrating ingredients and antioxidants. Bhandari revealed that these are typically oil-free, water-resistant, and suitable for sensitive skin. They provide a comfortable feel upon application and help maintain skin health.

Regardless of skin type, frequent reapplication is essential during outdoor activities or when sweating to ensure continuous protection. “Specialized sunscreens with SPF50+ are available for those needing maximum protection, especially those with sensitive skin,” she informed.

Sunscreen for normal skin

For normal skin, the options are broad. Choose a sunscreen that suits your preferences and provides effective sun protection without leaving a visible residue.

“Understanding these factors ensures you can confidently select a sunscreen that meets your skin’s needs, keeping it healthy and protected from the sun’s harmful effects,” she added.